Monday, 21th of June 2021

This is an old revision of the document!


  • Request funding for Yuri Rafael Grajefe Feitosa: Processes SEI 23064.026359/2021-09 (EduComp 2021) and 23064.026367/2021-47 (WEI 2021).
  • Read “The Role of Formalism in System Requirements”. It is a pretty general paper on requirements (requirement documents/specifications) and the languages you can use to write them (from natural language to formal languages). I got a great link about i* though: It is a i* tool, supporting the i* 2.0 specification. It is easy to install and run it: simply download the files (clone the repository) and load the index.html. That is, quite simple! Another cool site I've found is, a directory on requirements engineering tools. I used that directory to update my course with links to several tools (and tutorials).
work/semana_25_de_2021.1624305187.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/21 19:53 by magsilva