Semana 30 de 2021

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Semana 30 de 2021


  • Reunião com Yuri Rafael Grajefe Feitosa: revisão do PDM.
  • Submissão de artigo do Bruno Henrique Pachulski Camara no SAST 2021.
  • Leitura de artigos:
    • “Pains and Gains of Peer-Reviewing in Software Engineering (5)” (doi:10.1145/3468744.3468747).
    • “Pains and Gains of Peer Reviewing in Software Engineering: A Journal-Centric Perspective” (doi:10.1145/3468744.3468748)


work/semana_30_de_2021.1627414894.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/27 19:41 by magsilva