Replace my Vivo Askey RTF3505VW-N2 by an TP-Link XZ000-G3. It worked! For the record, the GPON password is not required (must be left blank at TP-Link XZ000-G3) and the GPON SN can be extracted from the Askey setup. The GPON SN required by TP-Link must have 16 digits while Askey's one has 12. That is easy to fix: the first for digits from Askey's DN are in
ASCII. You must convert then to hexadecimal code. Regarding VLAN configuration, you can discover it using TP-Link's configuration (Tagged VLAN, 0600, if I am not mistaken). That is it! Now you just have to configure your computer or router to authenticate using PPPoE. The username and password are not actually secret: username is “cliente@cliente” and password is “cliente”.