Semana 23 de 2021

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Semana 23 de 2021


  • Attend ABZ 2021 – 8th International Conference on Rigorous State Based Methods. My interest on the subject inherits from statecharts model used for IMA-CID and LODM.
    • Two models widely discussed are Abstract State Machines (ASM) and Event-B. There also some efforts on integrating domain knowledge (represented as ontologies) with state machines, which I find really nice. When designing and using LODM, I tried to use the conceptual model to ground the state machines and even to associate concepts to events (and, therefore, states transition).
    • Something we often struggle when defining the model is the specification. Currently we use UML, but there are alternatives. In the paper “Structuring the State and Behavior of ASMs: Introducing a Trait-Based Construct for Abstract State Machine Languages”, which was presented by Philipp Paulweber, offered an overview of options. Their proposal is CASM:
'strace -f --output-separately --output=guava-test.trace --decode-fds=path,socket,dev --string-limit=255 --timestamps=format:time,precision:us --syscall-times --decode-fds=all --summary mvn test --log-file guava-test.log --debug  -o -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.showDateTime=true -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.dateTimeFormat=HH:mm:ss,SSS
  Basically I traced everything I could. I also recorded the results of Maven, with timestamps so I could later relate that with the trace results. I took one hour to finish running (one order of magnitude slower than a typical run). I haven't analyzed the data yet, but I already noticed that Java uses fmutex extensively (which may be worth addressing later).
* Talk to [[Bruno Henrique Pachulski Camara]]: classification model using test smells.
* Subscribe to [[ | ISSTA 2021]] and [[ | ECOOP 2021]] (free registration!).


work/semana_23_de_2021.1623337775.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/10 15:09 by magsilva