Trace: Semana 5 de 2022

Semana 5 de 2022

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Semana 5 de 2022

  • Receive invitation to join GitHub Global Campus. It provides an awesome discussion forum, full of tips:
  • Screen papers for SBQS 2021.
  • Screen papers for CLEI 2021.
  • Screen papers for SIGCSE 2022. I did not download the papers (they are not available, event will be next month), but, by looking at the titles, there are several interesting papers (including about sense of belonging).
  • While screening papers for SIGCSE 2022, I found a session from Microsoft about ElectionGuard. ElectionGuard is a software for auditable ballots (hopefully better than Helios Voting). While looking at it, also found about ARLO.
work/semana_5_de_2022.1643682311.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/01 02:25 by magsilva