Week 49 of 2021


  • Read the paper Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (actually, a tutorial) published at JCSC. It provides a link to an interesting site with learning resources about formal languages: http://www.asethome.org/mathfoundations/. At a first glance, my course on computing theory covers all that content, but it is often nice to compare my material with other courses.
  • Read the paper “Walking the Curricular Talk: A Longitudinal Study of Computer Science Departmental Course Requirements”, also published at JCSC. This one is about CS curriculums, based upon data from 380 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science programs. Despite the course centric approach from the study, it is worthy noticing that the average required credit hours increased from 2014 to 2021. And that is for CS courses, excluding Discrete Mathematics, Calculus, and so on. Actually, those non-CS courses probably were reduced, as the whole credit hours required for the degree was the same as in 2014. It is odd that some Brazilian universities are doing the opposite, reducing the required credit hours on the core while increasing on preliminary and humanities courses.
  • Setup Docker and Code-Workout in my machine.
work/semana_49_de_2021.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/08 21:36 by magsilva