Semana 5 de 2022

Semana 5 de 2022

  • Receive invitation to join GitHub Global Campus. It provides an awesome discussion forum, full of tips:
  • Screen papers for SBQS 2021.
  • Screen papers for CLEI 2021.
  • Screen papers for SIGCSE 2022. I did not download the papers (they are not available, event will be next month), but, by looking at the titles, there are several interesting papers (including about sense of belonging).
  • While screening papers for SIGCSE 2022, I found a session from Microsoft about ElectionGuard. ElectionGuard is a software for auditable ballots (hopefully better than Helios Voting). While looking at it, also found about ARLO.
  • Read some old tabs from my browser (open since last year). Nice post my Mark Guzdial describing the historical context about Computer Science for All.
  • Curiou bit of the day: I just found a site with all the editions of Micro Sistemas! It was a Brazilian magazine about computing programming. You can access them at (replace xxx by a number between 001 and 169).
  • Upload and update documentation regarding CAPES evaluation (PPGCC-CM).
  • Watch ACM TechTalk on Software engineering at Google, by Titus Delafayette Winters. It is sad that most of your students believe that software engineering is a loss of time and that programming is that matter. Of course that programming is required, but you need more if your software must work for some reasonable length of time. How much engineering should be done is the right question, and that is the motto of this talk.
  • Watch PROGRAD UTFPR talk (
work/semana_5_de_2022.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/03 18:03 by magsilva