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   * Upload and update documentation regarding CAPES evaluation (PPGCC-CM).   * Upload and update documentation regarding CAPES evaluation (PPGCC-CM).
   * Watch ACM TechTalk on Software engineering at Google, by Titus Delafayette Winters. It is sad that most of your students believe that software engineering is a loss of time and that programming is that matter. Of course that programming is required, but you need more if your software must work for some reasonable length of time. How much engineering should be done is the right question, and that is the motto of this talk.   * Watch ACM TechTalk on Software engineering at Google, by Titus Delafayette Winters. It is sad that most of your students believe that software engineering is a loss of time and that programming is that matter. Of course that programming is required, but you need more if your software must work for some reasonable length of time. How much engineering should be done is the right question, and that is the motto of this talk.
 +  * Watch PROGRAD UTFPR talk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjO6YlWXb14).